
canterbury tales.

escuela (that would be school, in spanish) runs monday through wednesday, hence this week being completely packed. 
thursday was a day trip to canterbury. i thought to myself, what in the world is canterbury. what in the world is there to do in canterbury??? our trip was running from 8 am to 6 pm. lots of hours of uncertainty in there. 

most of us slept on the bus ride there (about 1.5 hours). we had an appointment at the canterbury cathedral, where Thomas Becket, archbishop of canterbury was killed. and yes, indeed, he was killed, if you catch my drift! it was very beautiful inside. the guide knew a lot about the history and about each small section of the interior. i may or may not have zoned out on his two hour tour. whoops. 

sorry, i have to do one of these! ha!

we had a tour of canterbury tales afterwards. do i know anything about canterbury tales? nope. learn more here. i don't know enough to teach you all! it was cheesy and funny i guess. 
the town of canterbury was so cute! a little quaint and small. no there weren't any hobbits. i wish there would have been more free time, but we did what we could in the time allotted! 

best ice cream i've had here. seriously.

left to right: heidi, kathryn, hilary, me, katie, chrisse, kendra.

one of my faves.

we made it back home, made some food. and grouped up for the harry potter midnight showing!! we scored some tickets all together which also included showing part #1 for free at 9 pm. i'm sorry to admit, i was not caught up on the movies or books so i had to have a recap from the girls on the tube ride over. i felt pretty updated and was ready for the adventure! surprisingly, not too many peeps were there dressed up and crazy. in fact, the 9 o clock movie was hardly full. i thought harry potter was big in london? hm. guess not. i loved it! and just twenty minutes later, i would be seeing the second part! wahoo!

second part was great. and it was definitely packed, much relief. it was an adventure in and of itself. i loved it! i am feeling motivated to read the books now. (i stopped reading after number 4). 

i encourage you all to see this! 

i don't have the group pictures but there were 15 of us. it was such a venturesome night, to say the least. we decided to take the bus ride home (runs from 1 am to 5 am, what a crappy shift??). hm... someone was smoking ON the bus. i about suffocated. another guy pulled out some weed right in front of us too. i thought he was going to light up, but he waited until after he was off the bus. thankfully. 
we made it to flat 2 about 4 am on the dot. three hours of sleep is awesome. i don't encourage that. 

there are some interesting people here in the UK. 
i have noticed that:
- most do not move for you when you are walking on the sidewalk
- most do not smile, not even the little children!
- probably one in three people smoke. 
- i feel like they are speaking a foreign language, even though we     BOTH speak English! what!

i've kept track of a few people that have stuck out to me. 
so far, the ratio of grumpy people to pleasant people is 5 to 3. the bad guys are winning. i hope that changes!

who names their store, mustard?? 

p.s. anyone in sections 28 of chem 105 at byu, please drop it so i can add? please and thanks! ;)

1 comment:

  1. We seriously are the same person--I stopped reading after number 4 too. Miss you!
