
the day came.

is that not the cutest thing ever?

that's me, if you couldn't tell, and my sweet pup - pugsley.

monday was his last day with us. man, i didn't think it would be as hard as it was. but just typing about it breaks my heart. i said my goodbyes before i left to school that morning. and that was it. 

our entryway went from this:

to this:

pugsley was 17 years old. that's old for a little guy like him. 

i still keep my eyes peeled to make sure i don't step on him when i enter the kitchen. but, he's not there to step on. 

there is no bark to let him outside, no jingle of his collar, and no food or water bowl in the space by the dryer. 

pugs' first christmas in 1994

christmas 2010. 
we could tell he was really starting to get old

dogs really are part of your family - no matter what you say. 

and when they are gone, there's a large void in your heart.


in new york.

i just watched this video from my dear friend's blog. it's lovely. and worth your time!!

i have been to new york a couple times.

first, in high school. i went on an amazing trip with a group from my sewing class. (i did win our school's make-it-with-wool contest, that's my claim to fame). it was a trip centered on fashion! we visited some schools there, met with fashion designers, and did sight-seeing. of course. 

next, was with my fam bam. we had such a fun trip! we caught the last game red sox vs. yankees game in old yankee stadium. and got to meet ol' tito (terry francona). he's a good friend of my dad's from their playing days.

i love the city. the busyness. the lights. the streets. the cars. the noise. the shopping!

imagine. a penthouse suite above the diverse people all going their every which way. just think about that. 

i get the privilege of sitting with my parents for byu football games. 44 yard line. splendid! my family has a problem with taking pictures, but we finally snatched one tonight. 

please excuse the 'awesome' phone picture quality. (big v's iphone!) the camera on my dear eva decided to stop working. 

p.s. how do you feel about this blog redesign? i'm not quite sure.



well. remember when i posted and said i will do a "remember when" post every wednesday? 

wednesday came and went this week. 

i guess that's what happens when i don't even have time to make my bed in the morning, let alone sit and think for a few minutes!

my new job is going well. i am working a lot, which is good! great! but there comes a time when emails keep coming into my inbox and i have to have patience that i can go slowly - one at a time. let's just say, when people are signed up for a loan and it is scheduled to close that day, they want to close it THAT day. i am learning a lot though! and my typing skills have improved immensely :)

back to remember when. 

remember when was the cutest? thanks sharon for the boy haircut. i am now scarred for life from the nicknames my brothers called me. i wasn't a thumb-sucker, however. i sucked my 3rd and 4th fingers on my left hand.  

here's me, age 3; adam, age 4. 

we went up to midway for a birthday in the family. i haven't picked up my dear camera in a while so i took a few. 

adam hadn't thrown a snowball in... over 2 years? here's his first. 

boom, got her. 

happy birthday tals!

go stilllers. (that would be steelers. as in pittsburgh.)

my current list of things i want to buy includes:

- all black boston red sox hat. 
- michael kohrs watch.
- photoshop lightroom
- tan boots. 
- stinkbug hat. 
- fix my cd drive. (200 bones, yuck.)

do i need these things? no...

i'm ready to freeze at the byu football game tomorrow. wish me luck! 


it's one of those things.

this is one of those posts that i'm not quite sure what to write about! 

you know that roller coaster ride at lagoon, mouse trap? it's a herky, jerky ride that yanks you side to side around short lengths of coaster and sharp turns. like a small mousey being chased by a cat. i think that life is just like this ride. side to side, up and down, chased by something that never really ends. 

the relentless homework, assignments, and tests. unexpected events, changes, surprises. life is a game, a gamble. most times, you don't know what will be thrown at you! thank goodness we have some awesome resources and guidance in our lives. are you with me on that? 

well. who has two thumbs and a new job? ME. 

i am now working at flagship financial group near thanksgiving point. i am doing my fair share of loan confirmations, registers, locks, and computer work. and... i love it! i completely thrive off organization, routines, and a set schedule. 

i spent approximately 10.5 hours studying for my accounting test last weekend. i will say, i nearly doubled my score on test #2 from test #1. i almost cried when i looked up at the mini, score-projecting screen! 

life is just one of those things. like the mouse trap ride. i feel like my thinking is contrary to the normal quote - 
i don't think you can expect the unexpected. 

but yes! i will conquer the unexpected whenever, whomever, and whichever form i receive it! 

i love 'remember when' pictures. every wednesday, i will post a new one. 

remember when my cute, precious two-year-old self had chicken pox, like THESE??

i look real happy, i know. 

on a happier note, i am grateful my skin has cleared up ;)

accounting homework + sockbun a month ago = 

listen to this song. if you love me, you will!

one day, i will be as this mouse...

...scared to death, but loving it!