
three - TWO - ONE.

i am currently, and for the next almost year, 21 years old. isn't that nearly a life landmark? 
let's be honest, i don't feel older - maybe i look older. and maybe that means i will gain weight faster because my metabolism is slowing down (i need to work on that anyway). 

my birthday celebration was fantastic. i absolutely love the girls i work with. daily, i laugh my hardest at a comment, mispronunciation, or funny face. working full time has its benefits. they surprised me with a little treaty treat and a candle. 

i also went to dinner with some friends that night. we cut it a little close to closing time.. but nonetheless, the meal was absolutely great. and might i add, some free birthday dessert with great company!!

me and alli.

ah... love my best girls. 

the celebration continued to the next day and i had a little pool party. the weather didn't necessarily cooperate, but i had so many friends show up, even to just stop by for a few minutes. i felt so loved and i was happy to know that people cared enough to come! i really do have the best friends and family. i am so blessed. 

after honestly thinking about what is going on right now in my life, there isn't much i would change or ask for. the church is true, my family is here, i love my brothers even when they are gone, and i have friends who are fun and caring. 

before i turn 22 i want to:

- run a half marathon
- figure out what i want to do with my major
- get into fantastic physical shape
- do things right when they need to be done
- play the piano at least once a week
- blog consistently, mainly so i can keep my creative lingual juices flowing
- tell my family and friends i love them
- work on my personal priorities and goals (secret... sorry)
- be a better friend

my, how the time flies and things change. last year, on this very day, july 21, i was enjoying the gardens at versailles in paris, written about here. what an amazing experience i had last summer. i sure was worrying about a lot less than i am right now. 

times are crazy but i need to realize and keep in mind how good things are. in meeting many different people, a positive attitude is extremely influential in living a good life and wanting to improve. 

cheers to 21!

p.s. i forgot to mention, my girl, my travel buddy, my other half for 7.5 weeks last summer sent me a letter from the mtc in peru. she is a missionary. a cute one that is. and probably killing it. made my day!