
that did happen.

the other day, i had shorts on and was looking at my left leg. i had painful memories come back in my mind and i couldn't stop thinking about it. i had some huge scars that were very visible and now can barely be seen, which i am glad about! the scars take/took up the majority of my upper leg. it was awful. the most pain i've ever been in. 

three falls ago, i was icing my leg. long story short, the ice was so cold, it froze my leg in fifteen minutes. my skin was as hard as a table if you were to knock on it. i couldn't feel my leg, thought it was no big deal. after it thawed out, i felt like my leg was completely on fire. it was burning and burning. literally burning. nothing was helping. i couldn't stop crying. it was the most pain i've ever been in. my leg swelled up all over. i can remember it like it was just yesterday. i had to keep it wrapped up for weeks. i had blisters everywhere the burn was. i couldn't wear pants. i had to wear skirts. i had cheer squad pictures and had to stand in the back because of the wrap. i had a late night flight to new york for our family vacay. i wore skirts the whole trip. too bad i didn't get more skirts! i even named some of the burn sections. tennessee, tent, washington. 

now, the burn is barely visible. i think of three things when i think of this whole experience. 
1. have i really been out of high school that long? three fall seasons?
2. isn't it amazing how the body can repair itself? i can barely see the scars. 
3. how much have i changed since then?
i have gone through my senior year in high school and 3 and 1/2 semesters of college. i have grown so much. and the thing is, life goes on. and it continues to go on. it will always go on. 

yes. that whole situation did happen. can you believe it? 


i am now a proud owner of this bad boy:

i love it. i haven't come up with a fitting name yet, but it will come soon. 

i don't really get out much with my camera, so i take some inside! particularly, my room. it's cool. i guess. here are some more of my faves:

i was in a striped, bright color phase and i do still love it. if i had the choice, i would change my room about every two months. i could make the time, but definitely not the money.

p.s. in 118 days, i will be in ireland at the beginning of my six-week adventure!! i am literally counting down the days, as you can tell. 


never ending.

i don't think things for school ever end.. first it's tests, then it's in-class assignments, then it's take home papers, then it's more tests, then it's take home essays. i don't think it will ever end. maybe after next week it will be easier. after this semester, then there are even more semesters to come! i am so not thrilled about it. 

whenever i need something good, i turn to this guy:

yes, he is that guy. he's good looking, minus the triple (maybe even quadruple?) earrings there on his left ear. well regardless, he makes some great music and i could listen to it all day. if i was stuck on an island and could only choose one artist to listen to the whole time, it would be mr. urban. 

counting down the days til the end of the semester that's for sure.

p.s. i kind of like that stalker tracker thing to the right over there. even though it says.. "who's following." 

i'm missing my kiddies today. 

i just noticed she only has one sock on. cutie.



i have been long awaiting this post. two weeks ago from 2 days ago (that would be two sundays ago), i last minutely applied to a study abroad this summer in great britain. i had been needing to schedule an appointment to meet with the professors, but the times weren't working and i had lots to do that week. the nice coordinator girl contacted me and i scheduled a time to meet with the professor to talk about the program. after a few minutes of discussing the program and what it entails, he outright told me i would be accepted and to plan accordingly! it is a 6 week deal starting at the end of june until the 6th of august. adam gets released the 8th of august, and we are most possibly going to pick him up.. so the timing just works out perfect! i am so terribly excited about doing this. we will get to travel and i only have to take 6 credits, so 2 classes. i think i was meant to go on this, i will keep telling myself that and it will be ever more exciting. in approximately 128 days, i will be meeting the group in ireland. good thing i have irish heritage, i will get along perfectly with those leprechauns. 

hopefully i can find me one of these sweet t-shirts while i'm there. i'm sure i'll be doing plenty of shopping. get your requests in while you can! 

on sunday, we had some great friends over for dinner. through crazy zimbabwean connections, we know all these people and it was great to have them over. they got me even more excited to go to zimbabwe! 

i am currently in love with this song.. 

i don't know what the slideshow is, but whatever. i love the song. 

happy day, midterms are almost over! 

today is another good day. 


for fun.

just for fun. these are some of my favorite things that are in my room. and, okay, i just wanted to try and use my new lens and see how that would work out. okay?

(sulley slippers?)

i bought these shoes the other day. so cute, but the dig into the back of my heel and i'm not very pleased about it. any way to fix that??

i'm slowly getting the hang of things. 
you know when there is something that is just driving you crazy?
well. that is happening to me right now. wish i could include all the gushy details, but i cant. he he. 

happy weekend for me! life is good. i am happy. (is that the second time i have said those two sentences? wow!!)