
it's one of those things.

this is one of those posts that i'm not quite sure what to write about! 

you know that roller coaster ride at lagoon, mouse trap? it's a herky, jerky ride that yanks you side to side around short lengths of coaster and sharp turns. like a small mousey being chased by a cat. i think that life is just like this ride. side to side, up and down, chased by something that never really ends. 

the relentless homework, assignments, and tests. unexpected events, changes, surprises. life is a game, a gamble. most times, you don't know what will be thrown at you! thank goodness we have some awesome resources and guidance in our lives. are you with me on that? 

well. who has two thumbs and a new job? ME. 

i am now working at flagship financial group near thanksgiving point. i am doing my fair share of loan confirmations, registers, locks, and computer work. and... i love it! i completely thrive off organization, routines, and a set schedule. 

i spent approximately 10.5 hours studying for my accounting test last weekend. i will say, i nearly doubled my score on test #2 from test #1. i almost cried when i looked up at the mini, score-projecting screen! 

life is just one of those things. like the mouse trap ride. i feel like my thinking is contrary to the normal quote - 
i don't think you can expect the unexpected. 

but yes! i will conquer the unexpected whenever, whomever, and whichever form i receive it! 

i love 'remember when' pictures. every wednesday, i will post a new one. 

remember when my cute, precious two-year-old self had chicken pox, like THESE??

i look real happy, i know. 

on a happier note, i am grateful my skin has cleared up ;)

accounting homework + sockbun a month ago = 

listen to this song. if you love me, you will!

one day, i will be as this mouse...

...scared to death, but loving it!


  1. You are doing such an amazing job on this crazy thing called life. Love you! It will all be okay! Loves doll xoxo

  2. Can't believe you got a new job. Yay! The only reason I miss Magleby's nowadays is because I miss seeing your face!
