

remember that guy? today, he sat RIGHT next to me. eating yet another bag of chips. i think i will call him snacks. i have noticed that every day while waiting for class, he has some sort of "snack". so from now on, that guy = snacks. he kills me. but, i think, he is so oblivious, he doesn't know what's going on, and he just seems to living life and enjoying his chips! good for him. 

i looked on a syllabus for my class the other day, and i couldn't believe that there were only three spaces left telling me what we were doing in class! (that means, only three times left in the class). i was shocked, but not so shocked to see it. i am excited for it to end, but that means finals! lately though, i have realized that i am pretty darn good at cramming (we won't say procrastinating because that's not all of it). with tests, that skill comes into play. great news only right there. 

i can't wait for school to be over. and while i am attending byu because it's school, i have noticed that it is one of a kind. you get the best of the best of people. so many interesting people, interesting conversations, interesting outfits, interesting hair-do's, interesting desktop pictures, the list goes on and on... i highly enjoy my day while observing these things. byu, thanks. 

another music craze is... trevor hall. 

yes, i know is outward appearance, well bless his heart. but i am definitely okay with his music. if i could thank him personally, i would. so, thanks trevor. 

this right here:

is what happens when you wake up at 8:36 for a 9:00 am class on a monday. 

what a crazy time that's going on right now. 


  1. people at school must think i look horrible because 4 out of 5 school days i look not so grand.

  2. seriously, i just love you. more than anything!! byu really is one of a kind. i'm amazed at some of the people i see there on thursdays.
