

yes i am alive after a suspenseful, scary, horrific, spontaneous date i had on friday. it involved a very tiny plane flying to salt lake. it was fun but i am glad i am safe and sound here in provo, utah. 

i wore my black sparkly toms to school today. 
it was one of those days where i knew, even last night, that i was going to be wearing a hat because my hair was disgusting. then, i just found some clothes, put them on, and hoped i would look okay for the zoobies at school. (not that i even care if they look at me). 

great day today? one of my classes was cancelled. great news!

i have had a day full of learning piano basics that i learned when i was 5 years old, over 14 years ago? holy cow. 
i learned about president monson's life (more to be continued on wednesday), what a great man! i am beginning to love him more as i learn about his life. 

then.. i am excited for the week long excitement of what will happen on the bachelor tonight. crazy michelle is probably going to get crazier and i can't wait to watch her creepiness in action. 

today is a good day. and it's sunny! gives me some hope for the summer. 

oh.. and my brother in africa changed his mind and might want us to come get him when his mission ends. might means that he might, yet again, change his mind about us coming. so that plan is always up in the air. we will see though. i love my bro bro. his birthday is coming up. i hope it is full of eating bugs, driving around young missionaries, and lots of dirt roads!

another oh. i applied to the london study abroad in the fall. i have an interview this week and i hope i knock their socks off! it would be even more fun if taylor applied and got in. and we could go together. that would be idyllic (i learned that word from my favorite move, the holiday, that i watched on saturday with a cutie :) ) -- does that make sense that i just did a smiley face and a parentheses thing? oh well. 


  1. yay! i'm glad you're applying for a study abroad. i was totally going to talk to you about doing one. best experience ever. and i couldn't agree with you more. that michelle is a crazy face. can't wait to see how that black eye comes about.

  2. i want to hear about this date!! sounds amazing :)
