

kind of spur of the moment, i decided to go with my friends to vegas. 
we had talked about it a while back, but i knew i couldn't miss work and didn't think too much about it. we all got to talking and i decided i would go! leave friday evening, get there late late and enjoy 2 days in vegas. 

i know,
awfully unflattering pictures that aren't reflecting my bod that i am working so hard on! 

i love trips like that. remember our trip to idaho a while ago? we all decided we need to do these things more often! can't wait for summer. eeeesssshh. 

i have joined something new (i know, the discreetness is probably killlling you), i am branching out. i am being open and trying to be enjoyable. 

i am learning. more and more. i am in love with my anatomy class. if i didn't work so much, i would probably study it all day because i love it so much! any ideas what i should do with my exercise and wellness major? i should probably decide soon, eh? 

you like some things, and you don't like others. 
you live and you learn. and i am trying my best to do both of those. 



it's amazing to me how the days and weeks just pass by. 
i went to california - - nearly THREE weeks ago? it doesn't seem like it was that long ago, that's for sure. 
after an unexpected death of a close family friend, we weren't sure if we would still take the trip due to his funeral services. but it all worked out AND we were able to attend his services the following week. 
read about it here
a tragic, tragic story. many prayers sent their way. 

with their family on our minds, we headed to california. watched cougar baseball take their first 3-game series against UC riverside, 2-1. 
last minute, andrew was invited to attend the lakers game in a box seat friday morning with the game that night. he called me (coolest sister, of course!) and i said yes i would go. be proud, i drove from riverside to downtown LA all by myself! no crashes. i picked up mr. andy and we headed to the staples center. 
don't think i love the lakers, but come on, when in rome... we entered through the VIP entrance - yes, we felt totally cool. 

watched some more baseball, did some sightseeing, drove around hollywood, stalked some celebrity homes :) and spent some time with my bro bro. 

the trip in pictures:

phenomenal trip.