
blog schmog, eww... egg nog.

um... well i guess, happy holidays are in order?

here we are at december 2nd, 2012. shouldn't the world be ending soon? hopefully not ;) there are too many good things in life to be enjoyed.

sheesh where to begin!

ONE. my newest purchase:
 - this would be izzy (?) my new iphone 5. my life has been changed in a mere 36 hours.

TWO. my SECOND most recent purchase:
 - this would be my new car. deciding between RUBY and FLORENCE. ideas?

THREE. november 14th was the anniversary of my dear pup, pugsley. we miss him. 

FOUR. my dear sweet friend, whitney, took these lovely pictures of me! love her. find me someone to marry and her and i will be even better friends. her pictures are amazing. 

i am all registered for classes and honestly, i have never been so excited for school. i'm sure that mindset will change within... 3 days. but still, i'm excited! all signed up for exercise & wellness and business. let's get down to business peeps!

work has pretty much controlled my life lately. with an incredible incentive within eyesight, 60 hours of work last week just happened. hard work has paid off. (see ruby/florence above.)

gold's gym has been treating me well. the "toolshed", as i like to call it, has pretty much been a constant view on my snapped pictures to friends while working out. one of my favorites that's for sure! 

man has the time flown. i am pretty sure that i say that every post, but it is crazy how it has happened. i think back to the holiday season last year and what i was doing then... what a different time. we all have grown, matured, learned, cried, and laughed in the past year. the unexpected has happened as well as the expected. 

but to this day, i am happy, i have my family, the gospel, a new calling in church (teaching 5 year olds), a job, school to attend, a car, a home, a nice place to sleep, friends, food to fill my belly, wonderful memories of the past, and many things to look forward to in the future. 

one of my favorite (of many) quotes below:


GIVEAWAY. i never win these.

for all of my awesome hundreds of followers.... not.
go and enter this giveaway!
my cute friend, jalynn, has the cutest blog and she is just so fashionable.
i mean, with long legs, how can you not look fantastic in everything that you wear!

see her picture below... and click the link to her blog so you can win the best bows!!!


happy days. maybe one day i will do an actual post. and update you in my totally awesome life.


three - TWO - ONE.

i am currently, and for the next almost year, 21 years old. isn't that nearly a life landmark? 
let's be honest, i don't feel older - maybe i look older. and maybe that means i will gain weight faster because my metabolism is slowing down (i need to work on that anyway). 

my birthday celebration was fantastic. i absolutely love the girls i work with. daily, i laugh my hardest at a comment, mispronunciation, or funny face. working full time has its benefits. they surprised me with a little treaty treat and a candle. 

i also went to dinner with some friends that night. we cut it a little close to closing time.. but nonetheless, the meal was absolutely great. and might i add, some free birthday dessert with great company!!

me and alli.

ah... love my best girls. 

the celebration continued to the next day and i had a little pool party. the weather didn't necessarily cooperate, but i had so many friends show up, even to just stop by for a few minutes. i felt so loved and i was happy to know that people cared enough to come! i really do have the best friends and family. i am so blessed. 

after honestly thinking about what is going on right now in my life, there isn't much i would change or ask for. the church is true, my family is here, i love my brothers even when they are gone, and i have friends who are fun and caring. 

before i turn 22 i want to:

- run a half marathon
- figure out what i want to do with my major
- get into fantastic physical shape
- do things right when they need to be done
- play the piano at least once a week
- blog consistently, mainly so i can keep my creative lingual juices flowing
- tell my family and friends i love them
- work on my personal priorities and goals (secret... sorry)
- be a better friend

my, how the time flies and things change. last year, on this very day, july 21, i was enjoying the gardens at versailles in paris, written about here. what an amazing experience i had last summer. i sure was worrying about a lot less than i am right now. 

times are crazy but i need to realize and keep in mind how good things are. in meeting many different people, a positive attitude is extremely influential in living a good life and wanting to improve. 

cheers to 21!

p.s. i forgot to mention, my girl, my travel buddy, my other half for 7.5 weeks last summer sent me a letter from the mtc in peru. she is a missionary. a cute one that is. and probably killing it. made my day!


start me up.

eesh... it's been far too long for this little blog baby. 
between all social media, facebook, instagram, twitter... and working full time, this has been the least of my worries. hate to say it. 
and again, i think of my non-exciting adventures compared to my travels last summer and feel a bit inadequate typing about life in provo, utah. 

let's see here, as of 3 weeks, ago, i was bumped up to working full time at my little (BIG) job - more hours + a raise = more money, great! 
still missing my cute kiddies seen below. they are much bigger now, but still!

my girl, hilary norton, left on her mission to ecuador. she will be so fantastic. and stylish too!

me, hilary, kelsey

went on a fun little vacay to CA with this guy:

to spend time with this guy (love him, just look at him!):

tajia fay, my cousin, had a baby shower, she is having a baby, DUH! still seems like me and her were just running around in swimsuits last week.

spent some time with this guy and trying to figure out some things due to the rug being swept out from under us in a recent situation. i have a few (many) choice words that you probably don't want to hear. my dad is the best guy i know and i am disappointed in the way he was treated after his loyalty to byu for many years.

tana has graduated and is moving on to college at the U of U. seems like she was just running around the other day with me too!

hate to break it to you... but i made the purchase. in love right now!

josh and i enjoyed a long wedding day of his dear cousin, erin and her new husband andy. great.

among these events, i feel a bit i have lost some of my beach bod due to sitting at a computer for 9 hours a day, my tan is not as far along as i hoped it would be. 
still just trying to get my priorities straights, work, gym, church. there are so many things you say, "oh, i'll wake up early and get that done." but it just hasn't happened. and it's only me holding those things back! i need to hop to it. 

but for now, life is good. i feel a bit like i'm living on my own in a house with some other peeps doing their own thing too. it's a bit tough. but we are making it through. made some new friends, kept some old ones. some have come and gone.

all in all, life is good. one day things will all miraculously fit together. it will be amazing! 


can't get enough.

amidst studying, i cannot get over my love for this song!

it's easy to get stressed out i think. 
but then i look outside - the sun is shining, the sky is blue and i am so blessed!



this post is NOT about the fact that it's finally finals. sorry.

remember when i posted about my "project" way back when? it has been complete for quite some time but i am finally posting my proudness. think it's lame, think what you want, but i love it!!
i watched a tutorial i found on pinterest, fantastic!

my padre made me this nice board.
1. gather your supplies.
2. cover with spray paint, one or two coats, i did two.
3. once the spray paint is dry, paint with one coat of white paint.
4. after drying, use this candle trick (totally works). use the candle wherever you want the paint to wear off.
5. paint another coat of white paint and sand the board with sandpaper. the paint where the candle was used comes off a lot easier.
6. i bought some hooks and things at rod works and hobby lobby for cheap.
7. after attaching them and hanging the board on the wall, you have the cutest little thing ever!!



kind of spur of the moment, i decided to go with my friends to vegas. 
we had talked about it a while back, but i knew i couldn't miss work and didn't think too much about it. we all got to talking and i decided i would go! leave friday evening, get there late late and enjoy 2 days in vegas. 

i know,
awfully unflattering pictures that aren't reflecting my bod that i am working so hard on! 

i love trips like that. remember our trip to idaho a while ago? we all decided we need to do these things more often! can't wait for summer. eeeesssshh. 

i have joined something new (i know, the discreetness is probably killlling you), i am branching out. i am being open and trying to be enjoyable. 

i am learning. more and more. i am in love with my anatomy class. if i didn't work so much, i would probably study it all day because i love it so much! any ideas what i should do with my exercise and wellness major? i should probably decide soon, eh? 

you like some things, and you don't like others. 
you live and you learn. and i am trying my best to do both of those. 



it's amazing to me how the days and weeks just pass by. 
i went to california - - nearly THREE weeks ago? it doesn't seem like it was that long ago, that's for sure. 
after an unexpected death of a close family friend, we weren't sure if we would still take the trip due to his funeral services. but it all worked out AND we were able to attend his services the following week. 
read about it here
a tragic, tragic story. many prayers sent their way. 

with their family on our minds, we headed to california. watched cougar baseball take their first 3-game series against UC riverside, 2-1. 
last minute, andrew was invited to attend the lakers game in a box seat friday morning with the game that night. he called me (coolest sister, of course!) and i said yes i would go. be proud, i drove from riverside to downtown LA all by myself! no crashes. i picked up mr. andy and we headed to the staples center. 
don't think i love the lakers, but come on, when in rome... we entered through the VIP entrance - yes, we felt totally cool. 

watched some more baseball, did some sightseeing, drove around hollywood, stalked some celebrity homes :) and spent some time with my bro bro. 

the trip in pictures:

phenomenal trip.